The Metatron Hunter determines not only the type of disorder but also identifies the severity of the disorders. After the measurement (scan), the Metatron Hunter can treat the client. With the function META Therapy (activates cell regeneration), Phytotherapy (plants), Litotherapy (crystals) Homeopathy, Acupuncture Therapy and Organo Preparations. Simply saying, it is an advanced non-invasive diagnostic device for physical examination & analysis system, using the light wave resonance to scan and detect the functional status of the Human body or to trace the gradually formed abnormal conditions in the tissue, cell, chromosome, DNA helix, molecule or entire organ, then provides treatment.
To do the scan I require a sample of your DNA, which I obtain from a fingernail, this will put your unique frequency code into the machine and allow the bioresonance therapy to begin. This process is called quantum entanglement.
Whilst using the treatment frequencies, I can make a remedy tailored to you to aid the bioresonance process. I strongly advise you to purchase this for better results. I can either use water or brandy as the base.
What the Metatron Hunter recognises
It will select what homeopathic medications with potency taken into consideration along with other healing modalities that would also be helpful to you and bring you back into balance.
Examples: sugar, tobacco, alcohol, pesticides
A Rife machine is an electronic device which generates energy in the form of radio waves. The rate at which these energy pulses are emitted is called 'frequency', or cycles per second (measured in 'Hertz'). These frequencies are then applied in some fashion to an individual with the intent of bettering the individual's health. Every molecule vibrates, or oscillates, at its own unique frequency and resonates with that frequency. The bacteria and viruses Doctor Rife studied are invisible to the human eye because they are in the ultraviolet spectrum and don’t reflect light. Doctor Rife devised a way to focus light into wavelengths that resonated with the signature frequency of the viruses and bacteria he was studying, “which illuminates these virus in their own characteristic chemical colors by emission of coordinative light frequency” making the virus “readily identifiable by the colors revealed”.
At present I can only offer this type of therapy from my home in West Dorset.
A lot of ancient cultures used sound to heal themselves. It was widely practiced in Ancient Egypt as far back as 4000 BC. The Egyptians believed that vowel sounds were sacred, so much so that their written hieroglyphic language contains no vowels. We can, therefore, safely assume that vowel sound chant carried a powerful significance for their priests. Your cells love sound and dance when they hear it, this has actually been recorded and scientifically proven. Happy cells happy body!
I use a variety of instruments along with crystals which have been intuitively chosen by myself before you arrive. This may include tuning forks, crystal bowls, shamanic drum, body set of pipes (one for each organ or body part), Solfeggio pipes including missing frequencies, a gong, and a set of the wonderful Koshi chimes and ocean drum.
My forks sets include the Chakra set which are weighted and used on the body to boost your body energetic system. I have the mineral set not weighted but used to comb through your aura. I also have a few other unique frequencies which I had specially crafted for certain ailments.
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I would like to add that I am not a doctor nor medically trained so I am unable to offer you medical advice. If you are at all worried about your health then I advise you to see your GP or Doctor.
On a personal note I have been using bioresonance therapy since November 2020 and it has made a world of difference to my health enabling me to live a full life after spending many years bed-ridden. I have used all my therapies listed here on my website either done through other people or myself, I can't stress enough how wonderful they all are. They've been invaluable to me.